If you are looking for a minimal & modern Christmas tree, then our DIY wall Christmas tree might be your perfect holiday idea. (Even though we used it as a window decoration!) Made from firefly, or fairy lights (which are different from regular string lights) it’s pretty, space saving, inexpensive, and a real show stopper. You can use it as your main tree, or as a budget friendly way to add additional trees throughout the house. Or, you can do like we did, and put it in the window to share with the neighborhood! Here is our super quick and easy tutorial on how to make a DIY wall Christmas tree!



DIY Wall Christmas Tree Tutorial

You need a couple of supplies to get your tree up! We got this idea because we need something smaller this year than our original DIY Christmas Tree with Fairy Lights. Go check that out if you don’t want a flat Christmas tree, but love the idea of using the firefly lights.


Command Hooks (They can be used on both windows and walls, and release after the holiday with no damage.) You can get them at Amazon.


Firefly Lights or Fairy Lights. They are basically 2 different names for the same thing. These are different from regular string lights in that they are on a thin copper wire, which allows them to bend around the hooks. Also, they are very difficult to see during the day, which is great, especially if you do this in a window. We used a large, 300 foot string that we had already from a previous project, and just ran it back and forth several times. Use a smaller string if you prefer. And of course it depends how large of a Christmas tree that you are doing. Amazon has a huge selection. Again, they will be referred to as firefly lights or fairy lights. Here’s a great choice if you are confused on which ones to get!


Modern Christmas Wall Tree DIY – Step One

So the first thing you will want to do is to mark where you want the top of the tree, whether it be on the wall or window. Then mark the bottom outer two edges, using a measuring tape to make sure they are equidistant away from each other. Use painters tape to create a template for the tree shape. We chose to place our tape just slightly outside the marks to allow room for the hooks. Notice the tape doesn’t meet at the top of the tree.


Step Two

Now mark your tape where you want each hook to live. We went every 3 inches. You may want more or less depending on the length of your light string, and the look you want.


Step Three

Place your Command hooks at each mark, following the directions on the package. We pointed the hooks sideways, facing outward so that the tension of the string of lights would push against the hook. Later we realized we could have just put the hooks upright, and then it would have been easier to attach the ornaments that we added later.


But definitely make sure your hook at the top of this awesome (if we do say so ourselves) DIY wall Christmas tree is upright. Here you can see, the top hook faces upright, and the side hooks face outward.


This photo gives you a great overall view of how the base for this wall tree (on a window!) should look, and things are probably making a lot more sense now. And remember that all these instructions apply to a DIY wall Christmas tree as well. We just didn’t have enough wall space and we had these nice big windows that we thought would work well.


Step Four

Now start at the bottom of the tree, and wind your fairy lights back and forth between the hooks. We repeated it several times, both because our string a was super long, and because it gave a brighter glow. Remember, these lights have a wire “cord” so that they bend easily and hold their shape.


Step Five

After we created the “branches”, we made a trunk by adding one more command hook to the bottom center and running the fairy lights from the bottom of the tree to the top several times. Then we bunched up the remaining light strand and placed it into a dollar store square glass candle holder, to create the look of a “stand”.


Once we got it up and lighted, we were in love. This modern Christmas tree idea is pretty darn perfect. Except, something was missing…


Minimal & Modern DIY Wall Christmas Tree – Finished

Ornaments! We used fine craft wire to make little hooks for these mini glass balls we got at IKEA. It needed a nod to Christmas tradition with a dash of red!


So, we love this light tree. Love it. It takes up no floor space at all, and when you place it in a window, it doubles as outdoor Christmas decor too!


And here’s a photo from the outside of our condo, showing how it looks to all our neighbors! We love how it shares the holiday spirit with everyone who walks by!

Modern DIY Wall Christmas Tree


You can make this light tree however you want, large or small, wall or window, colored lights or white. You could even use a thin garland of faux greenery first, then string the lights if you wanted a more traditional “tree” look. We would love to see your version of our DIY Wall Christmas Tree, send it to us on FB! You might also like our DIY Modern Christmas Cone Trees! And don’t forget to check out our DIY Christmas tree made of firefly lights on our sister site OhMeOhMy.

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  1. Kat November 26, 2023 at 8:50 am

    What are the dimensions of your window? We have a very large window we are wanting to decorate, I’m just not sure if i should go with 328ft or 400.

  2. Dana November 17, 2024 at 6:53 am

    I can’t get the command hooks to stick to the window. I cleaned with alcohol and followed instructions, then after that didn’t work, the next day I used hot glue. Same result, they fall off when stringing lights.

    1. Remi Bagwell January 10, 2025 at 5:33 pm

      oh man, I’m sorry that’s not working for you! Was it very cold out? I know that can affect adhesives sometimes.


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